Stunning and bright andalousian home in the AlbaicÃn Bajo area. It counts with two bedrooms, bathroom and terrace divided into three floors. In the first floor we find the living room and kitchen. In the second floor we find the two bedrooms and bathroom. In the top floor we have the terrace with Alhambra and Albayzin views. Wooden ceilings, clay floors, Fajalauza ceramic tiles. Recently restored and perfect for couples. OASIS Real-estate agency since 1984. We are experts in buying and selling in the Albaicin, Realejo and Sacromonte area. We count with professional lawyers in our team to provide the client with real estate advice throughout the trading process. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
Wood, stoneware, earthenware, ceramic Fajalauza, fitted kitchen, terrace
Hall, kitchen, living
Alhambra and AlbaicÃn
The indicated price of this property doesn't include any additional expenses like our fees, nor any taxes or deed or any other expenses. The data of the property shown in this page is indicative and might change. The price can change at any time at request of the owner.